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Cherries: The sweet, tangy fruit that has immense benefits. They are actually members of the rose family. They are primarily grown on the West Coast, with the majority coming from California and eastern Washington.

There are two types of cherries: tart and sweet. Tart cherries are smaller and best for baking and preserves due to their high acidity and low sugar levels. They range in color from light to dark, and are typically the Montmorency and Morello varieties. Sweet cherries are the best type for eating fresh. Their colors range from the yellow Rainier to the near-purple Bing cherries.

The benefits include:

  • Contain healing properties which include alleviating muscle soreness, sleepless nights, and pain caused by arthritis and gout
  • Cherries are a nutrient-dense food, loaded with potassium, vitamin C, and fiber
  • Contain anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties

When picking your cherries, make sure they are firm, plump, glossy, and still have the stems attached.






Adapted from The Costco Connection